Sunday, September 5, 2010

On the Road

After 17 hours in the car with my mother, Im very happy to say we arrived safely in Denver. We left Friday afternoon with my best friend Kaitlyn and most of my belongings in tow. We drove 7 hours to Norman, Oklahoma to be reunited my other best friend Katie, who is going to college at OU. She showed us around campus and introduced us to Classic's where they combine candy and soda, like Dr.Pepper and Hot Tamales. Its not as wierd as it sounds I promise. The next morning I had to say goodbye to my best friends, definitely one of the worst things I have ever had to do. After the tears cleared up, my mom and I drove 10 more hours through Oklahoma and Colorado. Along the way we got turned arounded a few times, saw a camel, and were amazed by the huge windmills. There were between 20 and 30 windmills on one farm we passed, they are incredible.

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