Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Rubber ducks, stuffed ducks, duck socks, and even an alarm clock that quacks. You name it I pretty much got it, minus a pet duck. Im not really sure where my obsession started. My best friend Kaitlyn (yes same name) would say it all started because of her. Back in third or fourth grade, she wore a bright red poncho that her grandmother had made for her. And whenever the teacher left the room she would run around the classroom, stand on top of the tables and chairs, flapping her arms underneath her poncho, quacking like a duck. Its probably another reason why we have been best friends for ten years and counting. I sure am going to miss her.

 "Cure for an obsession: get another one." - Mason Cooley

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Little Confused

Hi this is Patches and he loves to play in my boxs while I pack for college. This look was given by both my cat and I when my parents told us once I leave for DU in four days, they were going to give him away. I have been looking for a home for him but no luck so far. Most of my friends are allergic or have other animals. And I dont want to just give him to some random family or animal shelter. But I have a few days to try and change my parents mind, wish me luck!